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Checklist for migration between SharePoint versions and new farms

There is no direct way to migrate content from SharePoint 2010 to 2016, you need to go to 2013 then to 2016 then 2019 unless you will use third party Tool.

What needs to be done:

For content database migration

  1. Perform a SQL Server full backup of the content database(s) in the farm.
  2. Restore DB(s).
  3. Create new web application in the new farm.
  4. Deploy any Custom solutions.
  5. Test content DB to make sure that it has no issues (if issues found try to resolve them).
    • Test-SPContentDatabase -name <SP DB Name> -WebApplication <web app url>
  6. Add the new content database restored to the target web application.
    • Mount-SPContentDatabase -Name <db name> -DatabaseServer <db alias> -WebApplication <web app url>
  7. Verify that the site opens.