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How to ask question in Yammer is now available

Working with Yammer is great to increase collaboration and productivity in your company as discussed earlier in this post

Recently Microsoft launched new functionality in yammer to allow users to ask questions and get replies and then the admin of the group or Network admin can then select the best answer and mark it as best answer.

Here you are the steps to do so:

Go to Yammer then in the updates box you will find you can select Question now, press on Question.

Then type your question and add group/people

Here we added the whole company for demo, you can specify people or specific groups then press post

Users will start typing answers

You can mark the best answer since you posted the question or group admin or network admin by pressing “Mark as Best Answer”

Then the answer will be flagged as “”Best Answer”

More links about Yammer:

Yammer Desktop App

How to Bookmark your conversation