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Microsoft 365Office 365

WhiteBoard and New Preview Templates

Do you like to have virtual meeting with colleagues and write on virtual board and share your ideas, the trend from Microsoft and Office 365 allows you to do that with several tools and integrations between them.

Microsoft provides Whiteboard app that is available on Windows store and Apple to do that and worth mentioning that Microsoft just released some preview templates that will allow people to ideate and collaborate more easily

The full list of templates available in preview are:   

  • Brainstorming   
  • Effective meeting  
  • KANBAN sprint planning  
  • SWOT analysis  
  • Problem solving  
  • Project planning  
  • Retrospective   
  • Project milestones  
  • KWL (Know, Wonder, Learn) for education  

Let us take a look :

You can go to store and download and install the app

When you open it you will get this start

You can write using pen specially if you have surface device or touchable screen

You can add images, notes

from this menu you can insert one of the new preview templates

Press on Kanban

You will get this screen

If you press on the back button you will see start screen for the Whiteboard and you will see all your boards.

Helpful Links:

White Board in Microsoft Teams Meeting

New Microsoft Surface coming a new category of dual-screen devices built for mobile

More Teams links