Follow SharePoint Online Sites

In previous post we discussed about SharePoint.

If your Office 365 environment contains a lot of SharePoint sites and you would like to follow up with all those sites and get updates from them or if you would like to mark them so you can easily look up for them without the need to keep the sites URLs in a note or add to browser favorite.

There is option provided in SharePoint Online to Follow sites.

How to access those sites:

First log to your Office 365 tenant then press on SharePoint icon as in below screenshot.

Then you will get this screen, in the left menu you will see following section to access sites you follow and in the middle you will be getting news from sites you follow.

If you press on one of the sites you follow it will open for you and on the top right you will see following start this is where you can follow or stop following sites if you press on it.


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