How to renew Office Online and OWA Certificate

It happens that certificates get expired so what do you need to do to handle this situation in case your office online /OWA certificate got expired this will make documents opening in SharePoint is broken.

To do that you have 2 ways:

After getting certificate either from certificate authority or self signed like here

1: Go to PowerShell in the office online/OWA server and run this command

Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm -CertificateName “New certificate Friendly name”

This will work if the office online is in good shape, so how I know that?

Run this command first: Get-Service wacsm

If it is running then it will work

2- The other way is just delete the old one and put the new one with the same name

  1. Open MMC console and add certificates snap-in, on the certificates Local computer | Personal | Certificates, delete expired certificate and import new one.
  2. Take a note of certificate name
  3. Open following directory (\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Data\FarmState\settings.xml)
  4. Open Setting.xm file with notepad
  5. Locate following line and make sure Certificate name matches the imported certificate name.
  6. Then you can restart the service using this command Restart-Service WACSM

In case you got issues this may be because you have not configured the correct TLS as mentioned here

More Helpful Links:

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